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For My Readers in #FriendEng 2

Midterms have come and gone, and state mandated testing has concluded. With nine weeks remaining, I asked my students to reflect on themselves as readers and writers so far, and as always, I received many interesting answers! Thus, in Mr. Fitz fashion, I'd like to use their thoughts late this Sunday night to kick off the final push to summer.

"Before I was put in this class I would barely ever read, but the last 9 weeks I noticed I've read more than I ever have."

"I have finally finished a book in many years after coming into this class. I have changed by suddenly wanting to read more books during my free time."

"I've really taken an interest in the books I read. I even read more in my down time. I have learned that I can relate to a lot of my books and they can assist me in certain situations."

Words like these make me ecstatic! My students are getting it, finding themselves in books and slowly making reading part of their lives, a habit even.

"One of my favorite books is Salt to the Sea. I read it in 5 hours on the way to Houston."

I loved this one too! It's beautifully written; the bird imagery particularly moves me. And it includes a piece of World War II history that I'd never even heard of but found myself utterly engrossed in through the stories of multiple narrators.

"Recently, I read each pages less than a minute. I'm proud of myself as a English learner."

I'm proud of this English learner too. I love watching her and all of my students with various challenges overcome those hurdles and gain confidence. Their bravery gives me goose bumps!

"I learned that reading is actually very fun and it relaxes me. I've noticed that when I read at home, I'm either mad, sad, stressed out or tired. It calms me down, and it's like it hits a reset button."

Yup, same, Dude. Same.

"My reading goal is 7; I have read at least 4 books. That is a big thing for me because before this, I never read a book. Well, I did in elementary, but beside that I never picked up a book. I thought reading was boring, but I found out I need to find an interest."

"I've begun to read more and I enjoy reading. I have learned about myself that I can actually finish a book that I enjoy reading without stopping because the book was too long. I've finished more than 7 books already, and I have never done that in half a semester, not even last year in English 1... Before English 2, I never really liked reading I never enjoyed it because it was just never in my interest, but now I enjoy it as much as I enjoy being on my phone or playing a video game."

It always saddens me when students are brutally honest and share how long it's been since they last enjoyed reading. Something happens to them as they progress, and I'm afraid much of that is the fault of adults. I just love, though, when they rediscover that fascination with word and story. The last guy, though, may be pulling my leg a little about his phone and video games... But then again, maybe he isn't! A girl can hope, right?

"There are a lot of books in your class, and my English teachers in the past never used to have the amount of books you have."

Yes, I admit it. I have a problem. The first step is admitting it...

"I'm actually really proud that I'm catching up to my reading goal. My goal is 20 books and so far I've read 12."

Only 12 in a nine weeks! This one has out-read me!

"Before this class I would never read anything, but when I started reading The Sky is Everywhere I was in love with this book... Now since I have finished that book I have finished 4 books total!"

I especially enjoy when I can bond over a favorite. This Jandy Nelson is my absolute favorite young adult read. I've only read it three times. I'll read it again. Maybe this student will too?

"I have learned that if I stop downing myself I can do whatever I want."

Another student here who I hope remembers what she wrote and repeats it to herself every minute of every day. She CAN do whatever she wants, including read a great book!

"My goal was 10 books for this semester...but I only said 10 because I hated reading. I've read 6 so far, and as a reader, I want to challenge myself more with a thick hard book. My goal for the next 9 weeks is 20 books."

I only said 10 because I hated reading. Um, what? Most kids who hate reading only say 1! What's so perfectly fabulous about this excerpt is that I was certain this student was going to be one of my toughest sells the first week of class. Lucky for me, she is awesome and has grown into a fierce reader and dedicated student. Gotta love it when they surprise you like that!

"This past 9 weeks, I've come to the realization that I actually enjoy reading and will do more of it moving forward."

Yes, Dude. That is the idea. May we all do more of it moving forward. May we be inspired by your examples, my students, and swim in the oceans of words with you, connecting and feeling and learning like you. I'm insanely proud of the readers you've become, and I look forward to many more weeks of sharing. Keep on reading, my friends. Keep on.


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