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"After high school comes college!"

My son Ian and I traveled to College Station on Friday. Back to Aggieland. Just the two of us. Sadly, we journeyed for my cousin Rusty's funeral. He was the truest Aggie I've ever known, and Ian volunteered to accompany me to be my "human Kleenex" as he phrased it. I put him to good use!

On the way, it dawned on me how unique conversations with my ten year old are. We went via Waco, and as soon as he saw the signs, Ian said, "My friend James is gonna freak when he finds out I drove past Baylor! He's a huge fan!" Later, as we listened to some March Madness on the radio, he added, "I bet Mrs. Litchfield is excited right now!" as her Stephen F Austin Lumberjacks racked up the points. Once in Aggieland and at the funeral home, Ian asked, "What's my Aggie class year?" and proudly signed his name and '28 (!!!!) on a memorial for Rusty.

Ian knows about college. And if you ask him, he'll say, "After high school comes college!" with a proud smirk on his face. I'd like to take credit completely for his goals and the automatic way he knows that post secondary studies are for him, but I cannot.
Ian outside of Kyle Field! Gig'em!

Degan Elementary did it.

He and Emily attend Degan in Lewisville. It's a No Excuses University school. The only one in LISD and in the county as well I think. Led by principal Vanessa Stuart and assistant principal Kyle Smith, Degan kids know that they have goals. Daily, they are taught how to persevere no matter their struggles. They understand that their choices are their own and that they should learn and improve rather than make excuses. This attitude, of course, it tough for some, especially my Ian who is a professional excuse maker! Sometimes, his choices aren't the best, and sometimes, he's stuck with the outcomes of the not-so-good ones. No matter, he and all Degan students continue to work and try.

Fourth grade has certainly been Ian's most difficult year yet. We talk frequently about strategies for using his intelligence for good and remaining focused and completing his tasks. I guess I just never realized that we'd also be having so many college conversations as well. I didn't know he would have this academic vocabulary about university life at such a young age. Being the educator and Aggie that I am, I admit I love it! I love his and Emily's enthusiasm and excitement about what their futures hold!

My dorm - Keathley Kissers forever!
And I absolutely love that they love their school.

Maybe one day Ian will be an Ag. Maybe Emi too. And then, maybe not. I'll be ok with almost any university choice (almost). I just love knowing that it's already in the works.

Thanks, Degan.


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