I'm working on a new unit for English 2. And let me begin by saying I don't know what I'm doing! This is my first year to teach English 2 since 1999. My current students weren't even born then! Also, I have just returned to the classroom after a hiatus allowing a student teacher to experiment. I learned so many things from that period, namely, that sitting and watching when used to being involved is one tough challenge! In addition, I'm jumping in head first with another hair-brained idea I borrowed from Shanna Peeples, National Teacher of the Year 2015, and an #NCTE16 session presented by Penny Kittle and Kelly Gallagher. Yeah, I can go home and completely replicate what all of these pros do, right? Whoa. We started with questions. What do you wonder? What do you love? What do you loathe? And we wrote. Now, we are refining a topic from those questions to pursue. The next step is to create written output in various forms - analysis, poetry, talking. ...