What will you do if they make it? Cry. What will do you do if they medal? Cry. What will you do if they break the record? Cry. They did it. They studied and memorized and quizzed. They met and worked and practiced. They rehearsed ... to walls, in cars, for peers, on time. Together. We traveled to places near. We negotiated about eating. We ate and ate and ate. We LAUGHED. We sang in voices high and loud and We danced awkward dances. We ate gummy bears. Their words... A little light Abhorrent Cacophony Dank Shawshank And then I came into the picture! A band. Ultimate party song. Angels. They did it. I told them I was proud. I told them how amazing and witty and fun they are. I told them they are warriors. But I didn't cry. Now, I cry. Exhausted, fulfilled, overwhelmed, I sink into my couch and my emotions and the tears stream. They did it. They really did.