It's been an odd week. A short week. A sometimes frustrating week. It's that time of the year - the conclusion of the first grading period when I question if I've done enough and worry that I haven't. Doubt crept in. The to-do list of grading and planning lengthened. The boss came to observe. Let's just say that Friday was a more-than-usual welcome! In such a week, all of my insecurities floated to the top. The voices questioning the rigor in my class and the philosophy of my style shouted louder than my students and my heart. I let it get to me. I felt down, bummed, like I do when the fall days get shorter and the darkness stretches. Oh, wait. Guess the universe and my brain are in cahoots. Rats. Thus, the personal pep talk was summoned. See Friday morning's tweet. And then, something cool happened. First period made me laugh - A LOT! Second period wrote strong, insightful thesis statements. Third period brought an academic and strategic conver...